Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Day without Liam

Being without Liam is a new thing for Cole, obviously. Prior to school, there have probably been less than half a dozen times that Cole has had Dad (or us) all to himself. I figured today was a good day to figure out what he does without anyone hassling him all day.

8:30: He finally woke up and had breakfast. It's a good thing today wasn't a pre-school day, or he would've been an absolute bear.

8:45: Worked on the star he was supposed to bring to pre-school yesterday. I suppose this is the start of the second child stuff. We also forgot the tuition payment. Markers didn't work. Crayons didn't work. Paint did.

9:30: Play-dough. He actually wanted a "kid show", but there was no way I was popping him in front of the TV that early in the morning.

10:15: Got dressed and played make-believe. Johnny the Tractor did some work and then Cole became a ghost pirate.

11:00: Played outside. Sandbox, playset, whatever. No one to decide for him!

12:00: Got ready for lunch. Watched Mom cut the peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the wrong shaped pieces, threw a huge hissy fit and went to bed.

12:05-3:15: Napped.

3:20: Had a snack with Liam.

All in all, I think this was a pretty good day. (One huge tantrum is fantastic compared to some days.)

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